Peer-reviewed Publications
A selection of academic articles by Migration, Business & Society community. Access may require subscription.
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Tasli‐Karabulut, V., & Sancak, M. (2024). Vocational education and training: A pathway for refugees' integration in the labour market? Lessons from Syrian refugees in Tarsus, Turkey. Industrial Relations Journal. (open access)
Bešić, A., & Aigner, P. (2023). Action, Reaction and Resignation: How Refugee Women and Support Organisations Respond to Labour Market Integration Challenges during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of International Management, 29(3), 101031.
Bolzani, D. (2023). Assisted to leave and become entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial investment by assisted returnee migrants. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(2), 261-279.
Farashah, A., Blomquist, T., Al Ariss, A., & Guo, G. C. (2023). Perceived employability of skilled migrants: a systematic review and future research agenda. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(3), 478-528.
Groutsis, D., Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Fujimoto, Y., & Mor Barak, M. (2023). FROM THE EDITORS—Migration Management: Introduction and Overview. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(2), 117-124.
Hajro, A., Žilinskaitė, M., Gibson, C. B., Baldassari, P., Mayrhofer, W., Brewster, C., & Brannen, M. Y. (2023). Movement of people across borders: Transdisciplinary research to meet the challenges in migration, business, and society. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(2), 125-131.
Knappert, L., Ortlieb, R., Kornau, A., Maletzky, M., & van Dijk, H. (2023). The ecosystem of managing refugee employment: Complementarity and its microfoundations. Academy of Management Discoveries.
Kodeih, F., Schildt, H., & Lawrence, T. B. (2023). Countering Indeterminate Temporariness: Sheltering work in refugee camps. Organization Studies, 44(2), 175–199.
Marinoni, A. (2023). Immigration and entrepreneurship: The role of enclaves. Management Science.
Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2023). “A laugh a day keeps the failure away”: The role of self-enhancing humor and host country community embeddedness in career satisfaction of dual-earner expatriate couples. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1125136.
Ortega‐Jiménez, D., Alvarado, L., Trillo, A., & Bretones, F. D. (2023). Processes of Discrimination and Humiliation Experienced by Ecuadorian Immigrant Workers in Spain. Social Inclusion, 11(2), 48-58.
Ortlieb, R., & Knappert, L. (2023). Labor market integration of refugees: An institutional country-comparative perspective. Journal of International Management, 29(2), 101016.
Pesch, R., Ipek, E., & Fitzsimmons, S. (2023). Be a hero: Employ refugees like a pragmatist. Organizational Dynamics, (52),1.
Pesch, R., & Ipek, E. (2023). Understanding of refugees in management studies and implications for future research on workplace integration. European Management Review.
Soliman, S., Keles, J. Y., & Fottouh, N. (2023). Refugee entrepreneurship and institutional voids: The case of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs in Egypt. Academy of Management Discoveries.
Suarez-Bilbao, B., Andresen, M., Crowley-Henry, M., & O'Connor, E. P. (2023). The influence of complexity, chance and change on the career crafting strategies of SIEs. Career Development International.
Theunissen, A., & Van Laer, K. (2023). Exploring the politics of linguistic difference: the construction of language requirements for migrants in jobs traditionally conducted by local native speakers. Culture and Organization, 29(3), 211-225.
Usanova, K., Zikic, J., & Vaiman, V. (2023). Being an “outsider in”: skilled migrants' career strategies in local organizations. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research.
Van Laer, K., & Essers, C. (2023). The Regulation of Religion by Secular Work Practice: Exploring Muslim Employees’ Performance of Religious Practice. Journal of Management, 0(0).
Woodhams, C., Fernando, D., Huo, Y., & Dente, G. (2023). Exploring the interplay between pay, career barriers, and management support: An intersectional study of migrant doctors. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(2), 238-260.
Zikic, J., & Voloshyna, V. (2023). Untangling Space and Career Action: Migrant Career Recontextualization in the Host City. Academy of Management Discoveries.
Andresen, M., Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Cotton, R., Bosak, J., Dickmann, M., Kaše, R., & Smale, A. (2022). Does international work experience pay off? The relationship between international work experience, employability and career success: A 30 country, multi-industry study. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), 698-721. (Open access)
Bešić, A., Fóti, K. & Vasileva, V. (2022) The role and challenges of public service organisations in the labour market integration of refugees: A relational perspective analysing integration measures in Austria, Finland, Germany and Sweden. European Management Review, 1– 15.
Biswas, T., Mäkelä, L., & Andresen, M. (2022). Work and non-work related antecedents of expatriates’ well-being: A meta-analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 32(3), 100889. (Open Access)
Bretones, F., & Jáimez, M. (2022). Spanish adaptation and validation of the Psychological Empowerment Scale. INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 39(1), 195-210.
Hajro, A., Brewster, C., Haak-Saheem, W., & Morley, M. J. (2022). Global migration: Implications for international business scholarship. Journal of International Business Studies, 1-17.
Hajro, A., Zilinskaite, M. & Baldassari, P. (2022). Addressing the elephant in the room: Global migration and its implications for business school teaching. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 21(1), 1–19.
Kleinhempel, J., Klasing, M. J., & Beugelsdijk, S. (2022). Cultural roots of entrepreneurship: Evidence from second-generation immigrants. Organization Science.
Langinier, H., Pereira Pündrich, A., & Al Ariss, A. (2022). All that she wants: the role of cultural gender norms, career and family for professional migrant women in the Big Four. Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, (4), 20-40.
Oleškevičiūtė, E., Dickmann, M., Andresen, M., & Parry, E. (2022). The international transfer of individual career capital: exploring and developing a model of the underlying factors. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 10(3), 392-415.
Ortlieb, R., & Ressi, E. (2022). From refugee to manager? Organisational socialisation practices, refugees' experiences and polyrhythmic socialisation. European Management Review, 19(2), 185-206..
Risberg, A. & Romani, L. (2022). Underemploying highly skilled migrants: An organizational logic protecting corporate ‘normality’. Human Relations, 75:4, pp. 655-680.
Suolinga, S. (2022). The Foreign Migrant Workers in the Internationalization Process of Japanese SMEs: a multiple-case study. 国際ビジネス研究= Journal of international business/国際ビジネス研究学会 編, 14(1), 1-23.
Alvarado, L. E., Bretones, F. D., & Rodríguez, J. A. (2021). The effort-reward model and its effect on burnout among nurses in Ecuador. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 760570.
Bešić, A., Diedrich, A. & Aigner, P. Organising labour market integration support for refugees in Austria and Sweden during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2021). Comparative Migration Studies 9(48).
Cai, H., Meng, Y., & Chakraborty, S. (2021). Migrants and exports: Decomposing the link. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101166.
Crowley-Henry, M., O'Connor, E.P. and Suarez-Bilbao, B. (2021). What goes around comes around. Exploring how skilled migrant founder–managers of SMEs recruit and retain international talent. Journal of Global Mobility, 9(2), 145-165.
de Zegher, J. F., Liu, B., Rende T. & Taylor, M. Low-skilled labor shortages contribute to forced labor - Evidence from Myanmar and Thailand (August 4, 2021). Working Paper, available at SSRN:
Dwertmann, D. J. G. & Kunze, F. (2021). More Than Meets the Eye: The Role of Immigration Background for Social Identity Effects. Journal of Management, 47 (8), 2074–2104.
Hajro, A., Caprar, D. V., Zikic, J., & Stahl, G. K. (2021). Global migrants: Understanding the implications for international business and management. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101192.
Klein, J. & Amis, J. M. (2021). The Dynamics of Framing: Image, Emotion, and the European Migration Crisis. Academy of Management Journal, 64(5), 1324–1354.
Knappert, L., Van Dijk, H., Yuan, S., Engel, Y., van Prooijen, J. W., & Krouwel, A. (2021). Personal contact with refugees is key to welcoming them: An analysis of politicians' and citizens' attitudes towards refugee integration. Political Psychology, 42(3), 423-442.
Lee, E. S., & Szkudlarek, B. (2021). Refugee employment support: The HRM–CSR nexus and stakeholder co‐dependency. Human Resource Management Journal, 31(4), 936-955.
Lehtovaara, H., & Jyrkinen, M. (2021). Skilled Migrant Women’s Experiences of the Job Search Process. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 11(S7).
Nardon, L., Zhang, H., Szkudlarek, B., & Gulanowski, D. (2021). Identity work in refugee workforce integration: The role of newcomer support organizations. Human Relations, 74(12), 1994-2020.
Ortlieb, R., Glauninger, E., & Weiss, S. (2021). Organizational inclusion and identity regulation: How inclusive organizations form ‘Good’,‘Glorious’ and ‘Grateful’refugees. Organization, 28(2), 266-288..
Piteli, E. E., Kafouros, M., & Pitelis, C. N. (2021). Follow the people and the money: Effects of inward FDI on migrant remittances and the contingent role of new firm creation and institutional infrastructure in emerging economies. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101178.
Szkudlarek, B., Nardon, L., & Toh, S. M. (2021). A temporal perspective on refugee employment–Advancing HRM theory and practice. Human Resource Management Journal.
Szkudlarek, B., Nardon, L., Osland, J. S., Adler, N. J., & Lee, E. S. (2021). When context matters: What happens to international theory when researchers study refugees. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(3), 461-484.
van Dijk, H., Knappert, L., Muis, Q., & Alkhaled, S. (2022). Roomies for life? An assessment of how staying with a local facilitates refugee integration. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 20(3), 321-335.
Vandor, P. (2021). Are voluntary international migrants self-selected for entrepreneurship? An analysis of entrepreneurial personality traits. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101142.
Zikic, J., & Klehe, U. C. (2021). Going against the grain: The role of skilled migrants' self‐regulation in finding quality employment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1023-1041..
Aragón, R. R. & Bretones, F. D. (2020). Uncertainties Generated during the Brexit Process among Highly Qualified Spanish Workers. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 172, 3-20. https://doi:10.5477/cis/reis.172.3
Bretones, F. D., Jain, A, Leka, S. & García, P. A. (2020). Psychosocial working conditions and wellbeing of migrant workers in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 2547; (Open Access)
Christensen, L. J., Newman, A. B., Herrick, H., & Godfrey, P. (2020). Separate but not equal: Toward a nomological net for migrants and migrant entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Policy, 3, 1-22.
Dheer, R. J., & Lenartowicz, T. (2020). Effect of generational status on immigrants’ intentions to start new ventures: The role of cognitions. Journal of World Business, 55(3), 101069.
Fernando, D., & Patriotta, G. (2020). “Us versus them”: Sensemaking and identity processes in skilled migrants’ experiences of occupational downgrading. Journal of World Business, 55(4), 101109.
Fitzsimmons, S., Baggs, J. & Brannen, M. Y. (2020). Intersectional arithmetic: How gender, race and mother tongue combine to impact immigrants’ work outcomes. Journal of World Business, 55 (101013).
Hoffmann, R., Dimitrova, A., Muttarak, R., Crespo Cuaresma, J., & Peisker, J. (2020). A meta-analysis of country-level studies on environmental change and migration. Nature Climate Change, 10(10), 904-912.
Lee, E. S., Szkudlarek, B., Nguyen, D. C. & Nardon, L. (2020). Unveiling the Canvas Ceiling: A multidisciplinary literature review of refugee employment and workforce integration. International Journal of Management Reviews,22 (2), 193–216.
Liu, Y., Namatovu, R., Karadeniz, E. E., Schøtt, T., & Minto-Coy, I. D. (2020) Entrepreneurs’ transnational networks channeling exports: diasporas from Central & South America, Sub-Sahara Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia, and the European culture region. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(10), 2106–2125.
Knappert, L., van Dijk, H., & Ross, V. (2020). Refugees’ inclusion at work: a qualitative cross-level analysis. Career Development International, 25(1), 32-48.
O’Connor, E. & Crowley-Henry M. (2020). From home to host: The instrumental kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants. Human Relations, 73 (2), 262–287.
Barnard, H., Deeds, D., Mudambi, R., & Vaaler, P. M. (2019). Migrants, migration policies, and international business research: Current trends and new directions. Journal of International Business Policy, 2, 275-288.
Emmanuel, N. D., Elo, M., & Piekkari, R. (2019). Human stickiness as a counterforce to brain drain: Purpose-driven behaviour among Tanzanian medical doctors and implications for policy. Journal of international business policy, 2, 314-332.
Goethals, S. (2019). Exploring Migrant Employees’ ‘Rights-Talk’ in the British Hospitality Sector. Business and Human Rights Journal, 4(2), 287-315.
Horak, S., Farndale, E., Brannen, M. Y. & Collings, D. G. (2019). International human resource management in an era of political nationalism. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 471–480.
Kunczer, V., Lindner, T., & Puck, J. (2019). Benefitting from immigration: The value of immigrants’ country knowledge for firm internationalization. Journal of International Business Policy, 2, 356-375.
Reade, C., McKenna, M. & Oetzel, J. (2019). The role of MNEs in reducing migration push factors and promoting peace: A strategic HRM perspective. Journal of International Business Policy, 2(4), 377–396. [Springer SharedIt link to article:]
Reade, C., McKenna, M., & Oetzel, J. (2019). Unmanaged migration and the role of MNEs in reducing push factors and promoting peace: A strategic HRM perspective. Journal of International Business Policy, 2, 377-396.
Romani, L., Holck, L., & Risberg, A. (2019). Benevolent discrimination: Explaining how human resources professionals can be blind to the harm of diversity initiatives. Organization, 26(3), 371-390.
Szkudlarek, B., Nardon, L., Osland, J. S., Adler, N. J., & Lee, E. S. (2021). When context matters: What happens to international theory when researchers study refugees. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(3), 461-484.
Vera, K., Lindner, T., & Jonas, P. (2019). Correction to: Benefitting from immigration: The value of immigrants’ country knowledge for firm internationalization. Journal of International Business Policy, 2(4), 376-376.
Kornberger, M., Leixnering, S., Meyer, R. E. & Höllerer, M. A. (2018). Rethinking the Sharing Economy: The Nature and Organization of Sharing in the 2015 Refugee Crisis. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4, 314–335.
Knappert, L., Kornau, A., & Figengül, M. (2018). Refugees' exclusion at work and the intersection with gender: Insights from the Turkish-Syrian border. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 105, 62-82.
Vora, D., Martin, L., Fitzsimmons, S., Pekerti, A. A., Lakshman, C. & Raheem, S. (2018). Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50, 499–524.
Wherle, K., Klehe, U., Kira, M. & Zikic, J. (2018). Can I come as I am? Identity threats, coping and growth among refugees, Journal of Vocational Behavior. 105, 83–101.
Goethals, S., Bardwell, J., Bhacker, M., & Ezzelarab, B. (2017). Business Human Rights Responsibility for Refugees and Migrant Workers: Turning Policies into Practice in the Middle East. Business and Human Rights Journal, 2(2), 335-342.
Vandor, P., & Franke, N. (2016). See Paris and… found a business? The impact of cross-cultural experience on opportunity recognition capabilities. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4), 388–407.
Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. (2016). What happens when you can’t be who you are: Professional identity at the institutional periphery. Human Relations, 69(1), 139–168.
Zikic, J. (2015). Skilled Migrants’ Career Capital as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategic HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:10, 1360–1381.
Cao, L., Hirschi, A., & Deller, J. (2014). Perceived organizational support and intention to stay in host countries among self-initiated expatriates: The role of career satisfaction and networks. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(14), 2013-2032. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2013.870290
Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (2013). Diversity strategies and business logic: Why do companies employ ethnic minorities? Group & Organization Management, 38(4): 480-511.